
What is intertrigo? Intertrigo is the term used to describe a rash in body folds or apposing skin surfaces such as axillae, groin, submammary regions, beneath an abdominal apron of fat, finger or toe web spaces. Intertrigo affected skin is reddened and uncomfortable. This condition is particularly common in those who are overweight and patients … Read more

Buruli Ulcer

What is Buruli ulcer? Buruli Ulcer is a chronic painless necrotising ulcer with undermined edges, which can lead to debilitating skin and soft tissue infection and permanent disfigurement. While it is known that this ulcer is caused by a bacterium, the mode of its transmission remains unclear. However, trauma, insect bite and inhalation have been … Read more


What is yaws? Yaws is a chronic infection by a bacterium that affects mainly the skin, bone and cartilage. Most people affected by this condition are children under 15 years of age but adults are not exempt. It is transmitted mainly through skin contact with an infected person. A single skin lesion develops at the … Read more


Introduction Erysipelas is an acute superficial spreading infection commonly caused by Streptococci without pus formation. It could also be due to Gram negative bacilli. Symptoms and clinical presentation of erysipelas A prodrome of fever, chills, and malaise Locally, a large erythematous, swelling, well-demarcated, and usually raised lesion Regional adenopathy is frequent Superficial blistering secondary to … Read more


Introduction Vitiligo is a disease characterized by acquired loss of melanocytes, leading to areas of depigmentation. It is sometimes associated with uveitis and other autoimmune phenomena. Many autoantibodies can be demonstrated in vitiligo patients; those against melanocytes may rarely be demonstrable. There is also a neural hypothesis. Vitiliginous patches often follow a dermatome. A neurochemical … Read more

Urticaria and angioedema

Introduction Urticaria And Angioedema is an eruption of evanescent wheals or hives which can result from many different stimuli on an immunologic or non-immunologic basis. The most common immunologic mechanism is hypersensitivity mediated by IgE. Another mechanism involves activation of the complement cascade. The activation of cutaneous mast cells and their release of mediators is … Read more


Introduction Pruritus is commonly known as itching. It is an uncomfortable, irritating sensation that creates an urge to scratch that can involve any part of the body. It is the most common unpleasant experience involving the skin; provokes a desire to scratch. It may be elicited by many normally occurring stimuli e.g. Light touch Temperature … Read more

Acne Vulgaris (Pimples)

Introduction Acne Vulgaris is one of the most common skin diseases. It is a disorder of the pilosebaceous follicles. It typically first appears during puberty when androgenic stimulation triggers excessive production of sebum. Many factors interact to produce acne in a given patient. These include: Genetics Sebum production Hormones Bacteria Properties of the sebaceous follicle … Read more

Viral Warts (Verrucae)

Introduction Viral Warts is an infections caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV); include more than 80 types. Transferred between humans, or from animals to humans Cause cutaneous tumours which tend to regress spontaneously but may rarely progress into cutaneous malignancies Symptoms and Clinical features of viral warts Infection may be clinical, subclinical, or latent Clinical … Read more