Prevention and Control of Surgical Site Infection

Introduction Postoperative surgical site infection (SSI) is a rather common but an undesirable complication of surgery. It increases postoperative morbidity and may sometimes lead to mortality. Efforts therefore need to be made to prevent it. Prevention requires a good appreciation of the risk stratification according to type of surgical wound as well as the indications … Read more

Prevention Of Blood Loss And Blood Transfusion In Surgery

Introduction Blood transfusion is the introduction of whole blood or blood components into the blood stream of an individual. Transfusion should be used appropriately because its use is not without complications and untoward effects. Several techniques and manoeuvres are available to help minimize blood loss at surgery, and hence minimize blood transfusion. Use of simple … Read more

Acute Abdomen

Introduction These are abdominal conditions causing sudden or severe pain, that require immediate or urgent attention. Cause may be surgical in nature or medical diseases. Medical conditions should always be borne in mind as they would usually not require surgical intervention. Common surgical and medical causes are detailed in Table 1. In newborns, intestinal obstruction … Read more

Peri-Operative Care

Introduction Perioperative management consists of preoperative patient evaluation as well as intraoperative and postoperative patient monitoring and care. The perioperative period is the time period of a patient’s surgical procedure. Components of Perioperative care Peri-operative Care consists of: Pre-operative care Intra-operative care Post-operative care Perioperative care is targeted at ensuring that the patient is fit … Read more