Micronutrient deficiencies

Definition of Micronutrient Deficiencies This is the deficiencies of minerals such as iron, iodine, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, sodium, chloride, fluoride etc); folic acid and vitamins. Aetiology of Micronutrient Deficiencies Inadequate dietary intake Increased requirements Increased loss (e.g. worm infestation) Epidemiology Global; high prevalence in under-developed countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa Clinical features of … Read more

Kwashiorkor and Marasmus

Introduction to Kwashiorkor and Marasmus Adequate nutrition is the intake and utilization of energy-giving and body building foods and nutrients in the right proportions to maintain well-being, and productivity. Malnutrition manifests as stunting, underweight, wasting (kwashiorkor and marasmus), obesity as well as deficiencies of micronutrients. Epidemiology High prevalence in under-developed countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa Clinical … Read more

Liver Cirrhosis

Introduction to Liver Cirrhosis Liver Cirrhosis is an advanced stage of chronic liver disease associated with permanent distortion of the liver architecture and replacement of some destroyed hepatocytes with fibrous tissue. It is accompanied by some loss of liver function leading to certain recognized symptoms and signs Etiology of Liver Cirrhosis Its etiology is similar … Read more


Introduction to Jaundice Jaundice is a common clinical state of varying etiologies. It is classified as haemolytic, hepatic or obstructive. Clinical jaundice occurs when the level of serum bilirubin exceeds 2.5 mg/dL. The bilirubin may be conjugated, unconjugated or mixed Important causes of Jaundice Diseases of the liver and the biliary tract Conditions that cause … Read more


Introduction to Hepatitis Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver which can be caused by either infective agents, drugs and other toxins. It is the most predominant and important presentation of liver disease worldwide. One can easily know the cause, and duration of a particular hepatitis from the suffixes acute, chronic, viral, autoimmune, alcoholic etc. Causes … Read more

Peptic ulcer disease (PUD)

Introduction Peptic ulcer disease is caused by peptic ulceration that involves the stomach, duodenum and lower oesophagus. It is an increasingly common problem in developing countries. Most ulcers are duodenal Causes and Predisposing factors of Peptic Ulcer Disease H. pylori gut infection Use of NSAIDs Smoking Symptoms or Clinical features of Peptic Ulcer Disease Recurrent … Read more


Introduction The pancreas is a large gland behind the stomach and close to the first part of the small intestine. It secretes digestive juices into the small intestine through a tube called the pancreatic duct. It also releases the hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream. Pancreatitis is a state of inflammation of the pancreas. … Read more


What arr hemorrhoids/piles? Hemorrhoids or Piles are conditions that occur when the veins or blood vessels in and around the anus and lower rectum become swollen and irritated often as a result of extra pressure on these veins. Engorgement of the vascular complex or thrombus often leads to the symptoms of disease. Haemorrhoids or Piles … Read more


Introduction Giardiasis is a parasitic infection caused by Giardia lamblia. It is a case that can be seen worldwide but more common in developing countries. Giardiasis is spread by the faeco oral route. Pathogenesis of Giardiasis Invasion of the upper small intestine by the parasite evokes inflammation, leading to progressive villous atrophy. Giardia intestinalis infection … Read more


Introduction to Gastritis Gastritis is a disease condition where there is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The inflammation can be caused by many factors, including infection, stress resulting from severe illness, injury, certain drugs, and disorders of the immune system. Gastritis can be acute or chronic. The most important risk factors for acute gastritis … Read more